Ok, so I have to apoligize for the recent blog post explosion over the last few days. I just had so many pics that needed to be posted. Plus I knew that as soon as Brady makes his arrival, these posts will seem very unimportant. Hopefully Brady boy will be arriving soon...I am beginning to get anxious, the suspense is killer, lol. I had my weekly OB appt on thursday, and I am now 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced which is a pretty good starting point when I actually go into labor. His head is still pretty high, although Avery really never "dropped" until my water broke and I was 6 cm. I think this is just how I carry them.
39 weeks |
Last night, Brian and I attended a 25th wedding anniversary celebration for some great friends of ours, Frannie and Pat. It was a great Polish celebration with so many of our close friends. Once again, Brady did the Grand March along with a few other dances to the Telstars. I thought all the dancing might get him a little more ready....but nope, he is still cooking away. Hopefully this week we will meet our sweet boy!
Kara and I had to take a final preggo pic (She is 12 weeks) |
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