And one of my best memories as child at their house was always playing in the music room. I LOVED to sit in there with Papa and sing, listen to records, or just listen to Papa play his guitar. And I especially love it that Avery wanted to play in here too. We even managed to find a few microphones for the girls to play with. These are the same ones that I played with too.

I wonder where she gets this from?

More than likely, I am singing a George Strait song. "I'm a fireman" was my favorite at this age. As you can tell, I am very into it.
And I took the following video, while Avery and Reagan were "performing". Man, this girl is bossy! lol, she actually does very little singing, but rather is kinda yelling at everyone. But, it really shows her personality. Reagan is such a good sport... And poor Peyton just wants to sing too. If you look closely, the wooden chair that Reagan is standing on is the same one that I am standing on when I was little.
I love the comparison. That's awesome that you have the pics to put side by side.